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    Plugin Developer naithantu's Avatar
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    Make it possible to copy books

    Original post made by Nirosu

    Next, I'd like to stress the new feature of writteble Books, and custom item enchantment.

    As a suggestion, I'd like to refer to book copying method as a new VIP feature, for the following reasons or statements:
    First of all, as stated in the mod applicant, Mod/Admin's roles include item granting to VIPs, however, ths feature, is referring to basic W/E, and moreover, it's only up to admins to do the job.
    Regarding this, as a grantable item, mods could provide item granting in the form of book copying, with of course, restrictions that will be mentioned later on.

    Second, with the growth of the use of books, people are confronting a new promblem, "how can I trust someone to return me that book?", Of course it is possible for a mod/admin to retrive the book from a person's inventory, but that is not the case, people want people to read their books, therefore, book copies could be supplied and provided as a solution for the safety and the uniqueness of a book, also, such thing could help for the progression of public and private library's, such as the Quill library which is ran by Zath1 and LegendaryToxic.
    Once a book has a copy, the writer can be at ease, as he knows it's book is not in the danger of sure extinction upon a sudden mob raid followed by a lag.

    Another reason is the contribution to VIP perks, which weren't much updated since the last few updates, and moreover, it has even decreased with the restriction of 30 levels in an exp bank and the pricing of the exp bank from 50$ to 300$, I do know that there are reasons for this specific change, but a change such as this new feature could be just what that would rise up to be a new inspiration to a few to become VIPs.

    Now, before you get all saying:"This post is long" or "Mass production of books is bad" or perhaps "This is unfair", I'd like to suggest a few methods or restrictions for this feature

    Plan A- Exchange Process:
    A simple Method, VIPs who haven't used all their grants for the day could just speak with the staff or submit a modreq to proceed with a grant exchange, the staff will therefore ask the requester of the copy if he has used his grant or not, and which book(s) would he like to copy and how much copies, the copies will be restricted up to 3, one copy per grant, after that has been setteled, the staff member will decide which item shall the requester grant, it could be roses, flowers, or anything, the staff member will look into the inventory to see if the granted item does not exist before deciding which grant, and after the grant, the mod will replace the granted items with a copy per granted stack, The copy can be made by using the pick block button on the book.

    The Restriction: up to 3 copies per day, in exchange for grant.

    Plan B- Free for all:
    This plan is not ment for just VIPs, but any member, it includes either attention from a staff member, or a costum plugin based on the /worth and /sell commands.
    The first method would be exchanging a fixed amount of in game cash with the staff member(the staff member will do the trancision) for a copy of the wanted book.
    The method using a plugin would be using a command which will be named something like /copy [Value], and the value stand for either the name of the book, or just "hand", default would be hand, the method would do the same transicion such as the first method, but without stressing the staff members for help.

    The Restriction: price would be 750 / 1,500 / 2,500 / 5,000 . thus making it hard for mass production, aalso if used as such as the command method it would be restricted for up to 2 books a day or such.

    Plan C- The Really Bad Plan.
    I'd regret giving this plan, and it would basicly will have 0 support by the players, and will likely never to be used.
    This plan consists of usage of pay for book copy service, but with cash, therefore, as said, people would rather go and copy books on their own other than paying real money, I won't explain more about this method because it "sux", I recommand the methods above, one consisting improvment for VIP(republicans :3) and one consisting improvement to the overall society of Slap(democrats ), and this plan, plan c the horrible, helps as well, kind of, and it could maybe used to earn up to 10 $ in cash, because none would realy like it(dictatorship >)

    The Restriction: up to, errr, 4 copies per book, it'll be quite troublesome, and it can be abused easialy, unless only able to be given by one person, therefore making it realy hard work and uneccessery work for the high ranked staff, JUST TAKE PLAN A OR B, PLAN C is troublesome~! unless you make it that the service would be pay per copy, making it even less efficient and worse than before.

    I believe personally, that using either of the methods(other than plan C, aka The Realy Realy Realy bad Plan) would be usefull and helpfull for the growth of our society, it would raise support to the server we all love.
    Last edited by naithantu; 27-02-2013 at 05:32 PM.
    naithantu - Slap Gaming Minecraft Plugin Developer

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