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  1. #1
    XBox Clan Manager xiTropicz's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
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    Slap Tropicz

    Black Ops 2 Hardcore Win Team

    Hello fellow slappers.

    I am putting together a 6 player team for Hardcore Kill Confirmed, along with a bit of other gamemodes, But mainly Kill Confirmed.
    I will be looking to WIN every match, if you would like to join me say so here. and i will add you to the list (include your GamerTag). Im not looking for good skill leveled players im just putting together a team.

    When will we be paying as a team?
    Anytime! if you want to play with others from the team, either invite them or ask if they want to play. the main times i personally will be on hosting the team is after 5:00 week days and near enough any time on the weekends. You don't have to play every time someone's on just when you want to.

    I will be posting our results of all the games here, including maby a video if i set up my recording device.

    Current Team:

    xiTropicz - Slap Tropicz
    TheKrafter1923 - TheKrafter1923
    Blake - FormedStorm4952
    Jono - EndurableJono
    mrassassin4hire - valors Fury
    Chechis - Chechis
    Last edited by xiTropicz; 26-07-2013 at 11:50 AM.

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