I am having a problem with the jail time. I was temporarily banned for 2 days from the server on Saturday. I tried logging in today, which is Tuesday and I was able to successfully log in this time except i was still in jail. The mod on said i had to wait time without logging out.... but that was not the case. I am almost positive this temp ban was just real-time, as i could not even log into the server within the 2 day period, since i was banned, so how i could i serve a 48 hour jail time...? Anyway I contacted Daloria and Drageon101 about the problem, since they where the ones initially dealing with my appeal. I feel this may be a bug, as the people on vent suggested i try /spawn and all i got was a message saying "you do the crime, you do the time" with no time limit... stated i have been waiting for about 3 hours in the jail for someone to help me, but no mod has been on recently... If i could get some help with this i would greatly appreciate it.