Minecraft Member Application

Your In-Game Username: Kartoffeltoast97
Your Real Age: 15
Country Of Origin: Germany
How Long You Have Played Minecraft For?: about 2 years, within some breaks.
Where Did You Hear About The Slap Gaming Server?: From a friend
If Other (From above question):
How Long You Have Played On The Slap-Gaming Server For: A couple of times now
Reason For Wanting To Play On Our Server: The server seems nice, because everything seems to work and there's a lot protection. Also some of the members of the server are playing TrackMania (I already saw Ganja), which is another game I like.
Any Friends You Have That Play Our Server: I already mentioned Ganja, since he doesn't really "know" me, it's just that they may have seem me before somewhere in TM.
Anything Else?: MC <3