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    Forum Admin
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    Guide: Shop & Economy

    This thread is intended to outline the uses, and other information about the Economy and Shop on the s!ap gaming minecraft server.

    WARNING:you need to be a Member or higher to make use of the economy system


    What is it?
    The Economy system gives the server an in game currency, currently set to dollars ($).

    How to use it:
    /pay [player] [amount] - This pays the specified player the specified amount (i.e. /pay SlapGaming 0.01 and SlapGaming will receive $0.01 from you if you have enough money)
    /money - This gives you your current in game balance
    /worth - This tells you how much the item you're currently holding is worth if you can sell it

    The Slap-gaming world has shops in the survival and pvp worlds (red section at the old survival spawn, left of the fountain in the spawn area of survival 1.6+ and to the right side from the spawn area in the pvp world)

    How to use the shop:
    Once you are in the shop area all you need to do is right click on of the floating items/half slabs(not the signs!).
    Note:this only gives you 1 item.
    Hold shift + right click for a stack of items. (there's no refund option if you mistakenly buy a stack of an item so be very careful when buying items)
    Left click for shop info.

    Need some cash?
    There are a number of ways to get money on the server, these include the following:

    1. Selling things in game; use the command: /sell to see a full list of ways you can sell items in your inventory.
    For example: /sell hand 10 would sell 10 of the item in your had at that moment in time.
    2. Beating mobs gives you money too and VIPs get bonus money for each kill. If you keep killing the same monster though the reward will gradually decrease.
    WARNING!:killing non-hostile mobs such as tamed wolves, iron golems and villagers will give you a fine and will decrease you money
    3. Buy it: visit this page and click "In-Game Money".

    With Thanks,
    Slap-Gaming Administration Team
    Last edited by Jackster21; 05-07-2013 at 02:30 PM.

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