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Greetings fellow members of the Slap-Gaming community! Welcome to this week's Slap-Snap Reborn~!

Today's Slap-Snap is hosting a very special guest, none other then the last of the Rainbow Unidogs S-P-A-R-K-L-E~!

To those who do not know much about sparkle, she has been here for about... What am I saying, just next week, on Friday, she should be celebrating her first Slap-Membership Anniversary~! Early Gratz Sparkle~!

As of today, Sparkle is an Admin at the server, with over 3 months of experience, and furthermore one unique builder with an addiction to rainbows, I'm dissapointed of the fact I did not get to know Sparkle before she became a trial mod, but am glad to have done so even at that delay, Sparkle is also a VIP and ATM is the richest person(or animal) on the server~! although part of her money is kept by her for a special emergency foundation for the Grieffed, something we do not hope to be needed in our server.

Before we continue with our Slap-Snap, I'd like to apologize for the delay in the release of the Slap-Snap, due to my job, which ends tomorrow! after that, I still have a big test for university and such which might take some time, but I'll be more free to work on my builds, I already have 3 builds on hold due to Friday.

So anyways, back to our topic, as of Slap-Snap Reborn, we're adding additional info and stuff, including a longer interview, co-ords for epic builds andthe reason why did we choose this week's guest.

Well, to be sincere, Sparkle was meant to be in one of the first Slap-Snaps, before reborn, but seeing the fact she builds well and she had many unfinished projects at the time, I'd decided to give her some time in order to have a better quality, of course this has been available due to the fact she logs daily, and not that hard to contact :3 and as I expected, since then, sparkle has made progress with her builds, but unfortunately, she has made too much for us to show, and we suggest to try and search for some rainbows at the live map, hoping that place be one of Sparkle's builds, take a tour because it's realy worth it, Sparkle is great with interior more than exterior for my opinion, and that's why I took no interior pictures in order to let you see it for yourselves :D

Let's Continue with our first Picture~

Desert Biome, Old Survival.
You might be a bit surprised, but this is a photo of Sparkle's second build on the server, and it's sure praiseworthy as a swell idea as a well chosen colors fitting the scenery, a little desert camp, which Sparkle built on her first week on the server, meaning that it's been here almost a full year~

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Unknown, Old Survival, X:1865, Y:63, Z:-70.
This one is classified as an epic build, "The Shrine of the Unidog", or as I'd like to call it, The Unisphinx, a place that is worth seeing, and it also holds a chamber inside it!

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Staff City, Old Survival.
This is Sparkle's house in Staff city, it has a nice shape, but the real beauty is inside, a great work of interior. Sparkle made it back when she was just a Trial-Mod, and yet today some rooms are not fully done XD

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Capital City, Old Survival.
This one is simply nice and cozy, a simple house that has anything to make someone feel at home, not too fancy, but clearly praise-worthy.

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Unknown, Unknown? (probably Old Survival)
Sparkle's house in the mountains in some far away island, while it has a nice interesting shape, and nice interior, this house is not done yet, for quite a while XD

Interview time~!

1. Could you tell us about your experience in the Slap-Gaming server and community?


I had just started playing the PC version of Minecraft when i joined slap. I was looking for a server to join, and this was the third one i found that I actually liked. everyone seemed friendly and it was really easy to know what i was doing here, since I was such a newb at this xD I've made tones of friends and all the players on this server have been great people to talk and have fun with! Not many would know this, but a lot of players of Slap helped me through a really tough and stressful time, and I'm forever thankful for that.

Being a Staff member on Slap has been such an honor! I never thought I'd be a Mod, let alone an Admin now! It's been a hard job, as I do make mistakes, but I've really loved doing what I can here, and I hope everyone else feels that way too.

2. How long does it usually takes you to finish a build?

Oh goodness, it takes me ages! Really, it does. I love building and doing lots of projects, and that's my downfall. I start building, get half-way, then think of a new project. This of cause then makes me want to drop the one i'm doing and start on the new one. This then makes a long list of builds that never ends, since I'm always adding to it before i finish stuff. Since i've joined Slap there has never been a time I HAVEN'T had a project to do! Haha. I think currently I have nearly 10 projects I need to do, and some i haven't even started on yet!

So, in short, I'm slow. REALLY slow.

3. Could you tell us a bit about Unidogs?

The unidog? sure. It's based off a character I made a little while ago. when I was making this character, I couldn't decide from a sparkled dog and a Unicorn. So i thought, why not just merge it together and make a hybrid of both? So basically, she's a mix of both creatures. She looks more like a type of dog with unicorn features. She's a very derpy character, lol. In her world, she's the only one of her kind since she's a hybrid. And she's obsessed with rainbows and bright colours.

I do have a background story about her and where she came from, but it's long and ever growing.

4. Any tips you'd like to give to the fellow aspiring builders?

Never give up! It may be hard and annoying to get blocks that you need, but believe me, it's all worth it in the end. Take it from me - the more you have to build, the more you have to do, and the more you'll ALWAYS have something to do on the server. You'll never get bored :3

5. Do you have a catchphrase?

Apart from the scream of "RAINBOWS!!"? I say "Yo yo!" a lot. "Nyah", "meh", "Blah" and "lolwhut" happens a lot too :3

6. What do you think the server is lacking or needs improvement with?

Every server is different, so what this server may lack what another server has... this server doesn't really need it. this server and community is every growing, and what the players suggest for it helps it grow more. The Slap-Reborn made a HUGE change for the server, and to be honest, i think it's great as it is.

7. Any special work in progress?

Oh yes. I'm meant to be building some "Parkour" jump maps for the PVp world... but as I've said, i'm slow and have many other projects i'm doing. i will do them, I just need to still plan out what i'm doing and how I'll do them.

8. Anything you'd like to add?

That comic I keep saying I'm doing? It'll happen! It's happening! I promise! Really! xD

9. Anything you'd like to suggest to Slap-Snap Reborn?

I feel that there has been lots added already. I guess adding nicknames was what I really wanted, but that got turned down, haha! Keep working hard guys! you're doing an awesome job! ;D

10. anything you'd like to note about the experience of having a slap-snap or answering the questions?

Yeah. I feel honored that you wanted to do a Snap-slap of me (and to be honest, I just couldn't wait, haha). I sometimes feel my builds aren't good enough, but to hear that people like them makes me feel happy... and knowing that people enjoy them also... that makes me even happier.

That's all for this week~! Join us next week with another special guest, and check back later for updates, as there might be a brand new Block Theories post, Wanne be on next Slap-Snap Reborn? make sure to submit an application at: http://forums.slapgaming.com/showthr...Applications-!

Seeya Next time~ Nirosu!