I was wondering... Since the PS4 seems to be leading as the "Pure Gaming" console this gen, as opposed to the 360 last gen - Slap could start a new clan section for the PS4, especially as it's the console most people are going to get and that it has such a wide focus on multiplayer gaming, being connected at all times... I thought this might be a good idea that could come to fruition - not now, but when more multiplayer focused NON multiplat games are realeased. A prime example of a good clan game would be Driveclub, coming soon to the PS4 as an exclusive: http://us.playstation.com/ps4/games/drive-club-ps4.html ----- http://www.gamespot.com/articles/wha.../1100-6419769/
I'm sure this idea must have come up many times in the past for the PS3, but the PS4 seems perfect for a clan. Although it's too early to say right now. Maybe this could happen?