Prop hunt!
Check it out! Its awesome!
Re: Prop hunt!
Played on it for a while some time ago. We should do it with the clan some time.
Re: Prop hunt!
You guys want this installing?
Jackster21 - Slap Gaming Owner
Forum Admin
Re: Prop hunt!
Originally Posted by
jack, do it! DO IT NOA!
Remind me >.>
Jackster21 - Slap Gaming Owner
i luv prop hunt
<-------------- CLAP CLAP CLAP
Minecraft VIP
I was just wondering, was prop hunt installed so we could run a game of it some time?
Regular Poster
I too was looking for these maps for quite a while. After a lot of searching I managed to track them down.
Minecraft VIP
Prophunt is installed on the current TF2 server still need to select and finalize a nice maplist so give me some time to get the list together and then we can play prophunt.
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Minecraft VIP
Wooh hoo, im so happy that tf2 is back up... Even with prop hunt