havent got any at the moment but isnt one of these a nice one ??

- http://www.minecraftworldmap.com/worlds/U3A_M (a Massive flatish desert area)
- http://www.minecraftserver.com.au/maps/ ... ert-oasis/ (a Smaller desert with some green in it original a survival game)
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/237 ... ert-map/(a Desert with a mountain range kinda thingy originally a fallout themed map)

- http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/desert/ (or this one for a desert with little hills no huge ones though)
- http://gameolosophy.com/games/sports/to ... map-seeds/ (try the seed Eagle like mentioned here should give a desert with a stone mountain in it)

- http://www.minecraftworldmap.com/tags/1 ... e%20server (a map with a mountain range and some cool stuff)
- http://www.minecraftworldmap.com/worlds/_192C (a map with a near to discover mountain range only 1 treehouse existing)
- http://www.minecraftworldmap.com/worlds/kalJU (a great mountain map with almost no building)