> Where You Currently Live: Denmark [EU]
> What Timezone's You Can Cove: Pretty much all day except for school/homework
> Your Age: 14
> Answers To All The Questions In The Requirements

> You Must have ventrilo and a microphone: i have a microphone and can get ventrillo
> You will need to be a sensible and mature individual: i would say i am of cause i like to joke around sometimes
> A Respected member from the Minecraft server: dont know what other people think of me
> You must know how to talk to people in the correct manner and address situations correctly: can do
> You must be a team player: what do you mean there is diffrent kind of definitions of "team work"

> You must be able to cope under pressure: i can handle pressure pretty good
> You must be a member of the Slap Gaming Facebook Group: i have applyied
> You must be on ventrilo at all times when you are playing on the Minecraft Server:sure why not