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  1. #1
    Apprentice LordHenrold's Avatar
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    DandyLions33's Ban Appeal

    Ban Appeal
    Minecraft Name
    Date of ban *If you know*
    December 13, 2012
    Reason for being banned
    Hacked Client
    Why should we unban you?
    I didn't realize xray was a bannable offense. I was led to believe this by the way my friend was talking, though I was still unsure. I believe parabellum thought I was lying to him, but in truth I was mostly unsure of xray myself. So I used it. I soon found out that xray WAS a bannable offense, and I am truly sorry, and i felt really, really badly. So, I'm sorry if I caused any confusion, specifically in the truth value of my statements. If it's any consolation, I'm disabling all of my hacking clients.

    Last edited by LordHenrold; 15-12-2012 at 04:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Apprentice LordHenrold's Avatar
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    Also, when I was starting out my friend told me to skip over the rules so I could see his house, so I was unclear on the rules. I just wish I can have a second chance and this time read over the rules. Again, sorry.

  3. #3
    Apprentice LordHenrold's Avatar
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    I've been looking over past ban appeals, and I'm starting to think that my chances are slim. Is it alright if I ask how this process works? This is my first ban on a server I actually really like, so I'm not sure how it works. It goes without saying that this will be my last ban as well.

  4. #4
    Apprentice LordHenrold's Avatar
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    Also, I'm sorry if I'm spamming this post, but I would also like to mention that my friends play on this server a lot, so I really, really want to get back on. I'm not sure if that really tips the scales, but just wanted to put it out there.


  5. #5
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    Well, you're right about the fact that you're chances are slim when it comes to using x-ray and other hacked clients. The only thing that has ever saved anyone is pure honesty... not just the admittance of using said things, but also not trying to give false reasons as to why you used them.

    The moment you tried to act like you didn't know what you were doing was wrong is when you sealed your fate.

    First, I'm pretty sure there's not a single server that allows hacked clients/xray. It's probably the most universal rule for MC servers. It's literally cheating by definition. Second, claiming that you were in a rush and didn't read the rules is claiming ignorance... Ignorance is never an excuse, I'd say 2nd on the universal server rules list.

    While I could probably go on, I don't see the need to. The kicker is that I didn't ban you because you had a bad x-ray reading (though you do) I decided to ban you when I read your private chat, admitting to your friend that you were cheating with a hacked client and had found 40+ diamonds using it.


    Now that you've seen what I've seen, please don't embarrass yourself more by trying to make more excuses.

  6. #6
    Apprentice LordHenrold's Avatar
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    If I may so interject, I might have been making excuses, but I have not lied. You said the best thing to do is be honest. Well, this is honesty. The truth is, I was unsure of x-ray. The only reason I thought it could be allowed was because my friend mislead me. I sort of thought you might be monitoring the private chat, so I explicitly told my friend of the occurrence. I guess in retrospect I should have just asked you if I could use x-ray. But I didn't. I think your comment just about seals the deal; I am permanently banned. I guess to sum up my honesty: I was an idiot and tried using x-ray to see if I could use x-ray. I should have asked you.

  7. #7
    Apprentice LordHenrold's Avatar
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    so is the topic locked? or am I awaiting a verdict.

  8. #8
    Minecraft VIP
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    You're ban will not be uplifted.

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