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Thread: MailBox System

  1. #1
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    MailBox System

    I have a small idea for 1.5, due to the release of hoppers, mailboxes could be availbe as in dropping items or using minecarts with chests, but maybe it's more efficient to add a /cwg command that will make a fully public chest, like, an accsessible chest even on the wg, something like /copen (open as in open for all), also the possibility to make /cmodify to override the wg restrictions as in letting someone out of the wg acsess the chest he has been /cmodified, I'm not sure if it's either a suggestion or a bug, but as for the mail system, it could be possible using somekind of "/copen" to make a box, and below it make an hopper to another box and such, thus creating a working mail box

    The mailbox system can be done with minecarts with chests, but they can be easialy destroyed by random grieffers, thus the possibility of "/copen" could benefit much more, also it can be for donation box(if the donation is for the public that is).

    The mailbox system can be a wonderfull way to give gifts, and i recommand adding a letter using a writteble book.
    Last edited by naithantu; 12-03-2013 at 03:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Minecraft VIP lordgandalf's Avatar
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    For VIP`s theres already a command set for sending and receiving mail.

  3. #3
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Mailbox system is for items, not messages, and letters can contain much more. the suggestion is more on the /cwg system I assume, or maybe a new feature for mailing items could be applied,

  4. #4
    Minecraft Moderator Ryuuga's Avatar
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    I don't know this /lwg you're talking about but I presume you mean /lwc which locks door,chest and furnaces etc. this /copen functionality already exists it's called /cunlock [password] you right click an item after using /cpassword [password goes here] to lock them and the previously mentioned /cunlock command to open it. or much easier just add the required person to the chest protection so the owner of the chest and the desired person can open the chest no need for any new plugins/commands for that part. concerning the mail letters VIPS's can send as many mail messages as they want so to write a giant "letter", which is rarely needed, they simply need to send it in section decently paced after eachother and it will appear one after another to the designated person making it look like a comprehensible and connected whole "letter".
    concerning the mail idea it's easier to just trade while people are onlie or make a pair of shared chest to receive resources from eachother. If you're not online together to manage that small bit it's very unlikely that you want to share your resources with this unknown person in the first place since you wouldn't know them that well.

  5. #5
    Minecraft VIP lordgandalf's Avatar
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    He wants a system to send items if i read everything correctly.
    Dont know why you shoudnt be able to get on the persons wg and get a public chest on there to share items

  6. #6
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    actually, regarding ryuuga, I did mean /lwc, but the thing is, the World Guard system overrides it, making a chest without protection will be accsessible to everyone on the wg, not all the public, neither does /cpublick, during a test I made, I've noticed that /cpassword as in /cunlock that is, doesn't override World Gaurd, therefore, even if a person has a password for the chest, he cannot accsess it if he's not in the WG, that is perhaps a bug.

    The mailbox system is more of an idea than a suggestion, but it does present a problem about the /lwc system.

  7. #7
    Plugin Developer naithantu's Avatar
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    Worldguard is not supposed to be overriden, it's not a bug. Not completely sure where you would use this, as a deposit box in the library or something? This can be done by making several wg regions, just ask an admin in-game.
    naithantu - Slap Gaming Minecraft Plugin Developer

  8. #8
    Minecraft VIP SparkleUnidog's Avatar
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    I do believe there IS a mailbox plugin that Cats suggested in the thread once - you place a chest onto of a post, do a command on it and it becomes a mailbox. You place items in it and then do another command with a player's name, which then sends it to that player's mailbox. And then they open it and there ya go! Item mailed!

    I dunno if this was what you meant, Niro?
    VIP "Rainbow" Sparkleunidog
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  9. #9
    Plugin Developer naithantu's Avatar
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    The idea is a bit unclear, because there has been no response to clarify what the suggestion is this has been rejected.
    naithantu - Slap Gaming Minecraft Plugin Developer

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