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  1. #11
    Plugin Developer naithantu's Avatar
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    The idea of applying real enchantments to items has been denied. It can cause problems and due to not having durability would be strong against mobs as well.

    It might be possible (not sure) to make an item glow without it actually having a working enchantment on it, if it's just for glowing coolness I could look into that.

    Adding an enchantment glow to not enchanted items isn't impossible, but it can't be done with normal bukkit things. The downsides it has really aren't worth it just for coolness.
    Last edited by naithantu; 27-02-2013 at 05:40 PM.
    naithantu - Slap Gaming Minecraft Plugin Developer

  2. #12
    Minecraft VIP SparkleUnidog's Avatar
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    I'm not really sure on this.

    I know I have an enchanted bone, but I don't show it off much now, and due to people "misusing it" like in PVP when they shouldn't have been using it at all, makes me believe that this could happen again.

    Not to meantion the amount of new/idiot Builders or idiot members all calling on hax and cheats... it'll be annoying to explain this all the time. We have enough trouble with this explaining VIP perks.

    EDIT: I just noticed you said it's been denied Naith, but I was just putting my 2 cents in there :3
    VIP "Rainbow" Sparkleunidog
    ~ Former server Admin and Moderator ​~

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