Minecraft VIP
Nether resorce world
I do understand the issues and also that the border was expanded for the nether but,
If possible could there be a nether resource world (you could add it onto the the slap reborn project)
(3 months ago it was all mentioned here. But kind of forgotten about from post #4 onwards)
Thank you,
Last edited by Jackster21; 21-06-2013 at 05:57 PM.
Reason: Adding stuff...
Minecraft VIP
jimred, it was also said why there can't be a nether RW, that's why quartz is kinda cheap. nether also have tons of lava, which makes tons of lag, which makes it realy hard to hold that much of a thing such a "RW" for the nether, the RW was made mostly to prevent grieff in the overworld. instead of go mining quartz, go hunting mobs and just buy them, but I do think we should have a sort of space within the current nether that resets every month, it might be usefull.
Plugin Developer
In the topic jimred linked I don't see a reason as to why a nether RW would be impossible.
Although I don't really like adding a new world just to get one ore - quartz, but it isn't impossible.
naithantu - Slap Gaming Minecraft Plugin Developer
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Minecraft VIP
I will buy it in the future by killing mobs or going to the current RW. Thanks anyway, you have made me more aware of this stuff ^
Rejected -
Reasons for the nether Resource World are not practical enough. Any nether resources can be obtained from the spawn shops.
Jackster21 - Slap Gaming Owner