3) The whole point of the app is to be able to connect to the whole website, with a user friendly interface that makes navigating various sites an ease and also quicker for the user. It will have the live map and will also feature many other suggestions that anybody has. (please post any suggestions below, may it be a game to graphics or anythining else)

Okay... and... how would you do this? Let's just say, how would you access the forums inside the app, being able to browse through the sections, answer posts etc.
When creating something that is already possible on a phone you're pretty much competing with other apps, in this case every single web browser and tapatalk (an app that allows you to browse forums easily on your phone which also works with our forums).

Don't get me wrong, I ain't stopping you, I would actually very much enjoy seeing someone make an app. However, while you do ask if others are able to help, you still haven't given any real information as to how you would make it.
For example creating a good app that reads the forums requires you to get information from our forums, the only good way to do it besides making an internet browser is by adding php files to our forums (which isn't impossible, but it would be yet another language you have to know to get this to work).

When you say you have already created apps I do very much wonder what you have created. Let me get back to what me and telluur did this year, we created an app for android. In this app you get a screen with 4 numbers and you need to add, subtract, multiply and divide to make 24 (this is apparently what the 4 numbers on the old flippo's were for). We spent about 4 months creating this and several hundred hours in total, in the end the app really wasn't all that great. It wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't something you would spread to other people.

Once again, I'm not trying to make you stop doing this, but you need to be realistic. Make it clear how you are going to make something, exactly what you are going to do and what platform you are going to make it for (as a beginning developer saying you are going to make it for several platforms is really not realistic).

I think we've all said enough know, I wish you luck with whatever you are going to make (If you were wondering if it is allowed, then yes it is allowed to create apps for SLAP, just let us know) and I'd be really interested in seeing your progress.