Minecraft 1.7 Update! - The Update That Changed The World!
Minecraft 1.7 Update!
Fellow Minecraftians,
Below is the Slap Gaming Minecraft Server progress with the new 1.7 "The Update That Changed The World" release for Minecraft!
There is also important information regarding the changes that will be made to the server when 1.7 goes live!
** Update progress To Allow 1.7 Clients to Join **
Awaiting "Fake" Bukkit 1.7 - Note: Fake 1.7 builds do cause some temporary in-game bugs
Update and core plugin testing
"Fake" 1.7 server online - Note: No 1.7 features are currently active!
** Update progress For Full 1.7 Update **
"Fake" 1.7 server online
Awaiting Bukkit 1.7 for features to be enabled
Update and core plugin testing
1.7.2 Buukkit Server Live !
1.7.2 Map Live - READ THIS TOPIC!
Changes to the server!
So the 1.7 Update title says it all: "The update that changed the world"
As you are all well aware by now, huge changes to the Minecraft world will take place, including a lot of new biomes and biome code related changes.
Because of this, there is no way to implement them in to our current worlds. So we need a solution for this so we can all enjoy these new features.
The Slap Gaming team has decided on the following changes:
- A new, large 1.7 world will be generated.
- Our current 1.6+ survival world will be "locked" for 31 days. - This means you will not be able to build in this world, only navigate it.
- The main spawn, and major cities will all be copied over before hand.
- During this 31 day period, you can request any builds to be moved in to the new 1.7 world, to a location of your choice using the Dynmap.
- After the 31 day period, the world will be removed from the server. However it will not be deleted forever. We will have a copy of the server offline on our single player setup, and we can still access your builds to import them if you didn't log in within that 31 day period. - However only under special circumstances.
- There will be a new 1.7 resource world.
- The import features are not limited to just VIP's - Any players can request a build with significance to be imported. - We will not import minor builds.
- The Old Survival world will remain the same - no action will be taken to it.
We know this isn't the ideal solution for everyone, but I hope you can understand it is the best way to get the new 1.7 features incorporated in to Slap Gaming.
Yes, the 1.6+ survival world was only created a few months ago, but we didn't realise how much these 1.7 changes would be and that we couldn't simply just expand a world boarder and new chunks would generate, all the biome code has totally changed.
Any questions you have, or further suggestions to our plans, please make below.
Last edited by Jackster21; 04-12-2013 at 10:50 PM.
Jackster21 - Slap Gaming Owner

Post Thanks / Like - 3 Likes, 0 Dislikes
Minecraft VIP
Post Thanks / Like - 5 Likes, 0 Dislikes
Regular Poster
So you'll import builds? Im not sure if that will work out it might look weird because of the diffrent terrain?
Minecraft VIP
I think making a whole new world IS ideal, seeing as so many players would want the new biomes anyway, and stating that any builds they want moved to the new world can be done so is also a great idea!
I think the only thing people may moan about is losing their horses and maybe items they have stored there. Unless we staff members just refund them new horses if they ask?
VIP "Rainbow" Sparkleunidog
~ Former server Admin and Moderator ~

Minecraft VIP

Originally Posted by
I think making a whole new world IS ideal, seeing as so many players would want the new biomes anyway, and stating that any builds they want moved to the new world can be done so is also a great idea!
I think the only thing people may moan about is losing their horses and maybe items they have stored there. Unless we staff members just refund them new horses if they ask?
moving items might be the main issue, which can be solved, horses and livestock can be given by staff, and I'm sure most of the staff agrees with you sparkle about that...
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Items are fine - content of chests etc. copies over with WorldEdit.
Horses will be an issue yes, but we can just give players the equal amount of horse eggs in return if needs be.
Thank you for raising that point though as I overlooked it.
Jackster21 - Slap Gaming Owner

Minecraft VIP

Originally Posted by
Items are fine - content of chests etc. copies over with WorldEdit.
WE works with things such as paintings and item frames? I understand from your words that chests now can be moved with their content, used to be a old problem, if I recall.
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Minecraft VIP
Right, ok will the old spawn world still be there afterwards for our plots and stuff...

Originally Posted by
Right, ok will the old spawn world still be there afterwards for our plots and stuff...
Jackster21 - Slap Gaming Owner

Post Thanks / Like - 6 Likes, 0 Dislikes
Minecraft VIP

Originally Posted by
Just checking...