Minecraft VIP
considering it might be an epic build, mobspawn could be turned off, and we wouldn't need safety huts, the park should be lighted(at least where the road is ), I'm thinking of having some red sand paths, they merge quite well, I could organize some books later on.
What we do need is ideas of the park too, we could build a zoo inside the park! or something, a boat ride center, other creative ideas.
Also I'm yet to pick a leader for the project, I'll need someone who's most likely VIP, due to the fact VIP can get arround quickly and efficietly with compass, thus being able to check the project's progress quite well, of course we need someone with leader qualities, and I won't pick until we get enough builders or people who want to lead the project.
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Minecraft VIP
Im getting VIP soon, for that reason nirosu!!
I'm quite happy working under someone like Jimred9.
Also, to go with the creative ideas:
Visitor Centre with Cafe and map. The Obvious Choice really, a nice visitor centre (we could even make a mini-map out of various blocks. Rather than sticking it on a wall out the way, it could actually be in a large room so you could get a sense of the place before you set out. Outside could be a car park or small railway station where the TP pad would be located.
Hedge Maze. Using leaf blocks we could make a lovely maze for people to navigate. It could be quite near to the Visitor Centre for those who didn't want to go deep into the park.
Ruins. Something I've always found fascinating to make in minecraft are ruins. I have a small-scale example going on at my Riverside site, and think a couple of buildings could be made as reference points within the park for a hiking trail. The guide could even have a little story woven into it, with signs like "Read Page 5" to help with referencing. It could even be done as an alternative guide for people who don't want to do the main pathways.
Camp Sites. One thing that did develop from the safety hut idea was instead more of a campsite. I've made a test-tent at Riverside which uses around 40 blocks of wool. We could have say, a group of four with a netherrack fire in the centre blocked off by fallen logs.
Just a few ideas anyway.
Minecraft VIP
I can help with the too, I'm pretty good at house building, and i can help with the park as well.
Minecraft VIP
Hedge maze and ruins I think are great ideas as they give you something to do and a reason to come....
The ruins are great as well, maybe an idea of horse riding paths incorporated into it and all surrounding paths?Just so you could have another reason to come
. Maybe we could hire out horses, but I understand the difficultys to this, or we could just have an area to tie up your horse?
Minecraft VIP

Originally Posted by
Hedge maze and ruins I think are great ideas as they give you something to do and a reason to come....
The ruins are great as well, maybe an idea of horse riding paths incorporated into it and all surrounding paths?Just so you could have another reason to come

. Maybe we could hire out horses, but I understand the difficultys to this, or we could just have an area to tie up your horse?
This is going to be a STATIC build, which means, no shop, no farms, it's purely aesthetic, I don't see any epic build in the server (apart from the pyramid) that is functional or with a shop/service, and we need to leave something that could stay even if none of us builders stay.
Horse paths, nope, hedge maze yes, ruins- good luck with that, as long as it won't come out badly, it's ok.
but having all these requires more builders or at least more skill, right now there are four participants to the park: jim, heruss, gandalf and utecitec.
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Minecraft VIP
We have a plan coming together but i have drawn a little sketch and will post it here when i get to the scanner soon, lazy me...
Forum Regular
I could assist you with getting the resources for the national park and I could also help build it. Note that I did sort of create a park like area in slap land 1.0. However, as much as I would love to help, I cannot do so because my desktop cannot run minecraft 1.7 as it lags too much and often crashes. I can only assist you when behind a good computer or when I get my laptop for Christmas. Untill then, I can provide you with things to add to the national park. If I'm able to help you, I will send you mail in-game or message you.
Extra Things To Add To The Park:
- Wishing Well(s)
- Pathways
- Fancy Lights
- The new 1.7 flowers
- Bushes
- Optional: Tiny pixel art animals such as fish and butterflies
Last edited by zapados3; 18-11-2013 at 03:29 AM.
Minecraft Admin
I'm still more than happy to work with people for this and lead a team if needed, (not saying pick me as a leader, saying if you need someone im willing to do it)
1.7 is definately something we should wait for, as all the new blocks would allow for making this look a lot nicer.
Honkin_pigs - Slap Gaming Minecraft Admin
Minecraft VIP
I do think we get started when 1.7 comes out, I would like to lead the project as I would love to do so