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  1. #1
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Slap-Snap Creativity Corner: Post 5! Jan 2014!

    Heya, sorry for the delay, but since none has participated last month, then you'll have to excuse me.
    Let's skip to the details: this is a new year and it's a perfect time to have some creativity and wishes for this year!

    Challenge one - 2014 art
    make a picture, sketch, sculpture or a painting of 2014, how you see it or in a way related to the community or yourself, it supposed to be the number 2014, feel free to make it related to yourself and what's going to happen this year, I'll upload an example soon, showing what I mean, it can be from a p.c game, e.g a minecraft pixel art. Do make sure you write a word or two why you've chosen a specific way, if it's anything special, for example if you make the number 2014 from pencils because you are starting school this year then say so.

    Challenge two - Scenery
    this one is rather easy or unrelated you may say, but would be nice, take a picture of a special scenery, of the outdoors near your home, it can be the view of the urban sunset from your window/balcony, or the green fields that are next to your home, anything can apply, capture a special moment, the sunrise, the sunset, the nightlife, anything, just one photo, you don't have to include yourself. just make sure it's appropriate. if you are on vacation abroad, tell us where you are too with the picture, it would be nice.

    Challenge three - 2014 wish
    Write about your wish for the year of 2014, it can be what you want to happen, or what that is soon to happen, anything that you want to share about what you plan or want to happen in 2014.

    Coming up in February:
    Valentines day card
    Valentines day art

    Will soon add my submission, hopefully this time it's not too hard for you. You can always post your submission at any date, even at February.
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  2. #2
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Here's both an example, and my submission:
    Challenge one:

    2014-01-16 14.24.43.jpg

    For this picture I chose to take a picture of car keys, as I got my driving liecense at January 1st, and that's what I'll be doing this year unlike the last years, also I've added my paper pickachu doll, which I didn't post in the forum, cause of laziness.
    not all of those car keys are in use, sheesh, and I used regular keys to make the 4. Happy 2014! wish you have something as special as mine and more

    Challenge 3:
    I wish to become a good driver this year, with my new license and all, and make more paper models of course. Oh and I saw a shooting star yesterday, was so epic.
    / _____ \/_____\
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