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Thread: Dota 2

  1. #1
    Minecraft VIP Swiftblade's Avatar
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    Dota 2

    Dota 2

    Dota 2 is a real time strategy game. You choose your hero and assault the enemy base to win. Basically, Icy and myself have been playing a lot of this game over weekends and it seems to be a very good game. In about 2 months the "International" Dota 2 tournament will be taking place and until then you can earn a lot of extra prizes just by playing the game. The prize pool is set to be around $4.M right now and rising. Anyone interested in joining us in playing just send steam friend requests. We usually talk over voice on teamspeak or skype. Adios

    Icy - Icy/Freez

    Swift - Aphotyx

    Last edited by Swiftblade; 14-05-2014 at 12:11 AM.

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