Minecraft VIP
How do anchormen react to earthquakes?
Watch the anchor lady and compare her reaction to the anchorman. Also When the camera backs out note the spinning chair with no one in it. Earthquake was a 4.4 happened on 3/17/2014.
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Minecraft Moderator
I love how she didnt react till like 5 secs after he said it
Minecraft VIP
Originally Posted by
Watch the anchor lady and compare her reaction to the anchorman. Also When the camera backs out note the spinning chair with no one in it. Earthquake was a 4.4 happened on 3/17/2014.
Sorry!!!! Tried to click like but my page decided to scroll down, ill give you a cake if you need one lol
Soft Kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of Fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, Purr Purr Purr
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Howmany things can I add here?
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Quite a few actually.
We reviving old threads? What actually was going on:
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