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  1. #1
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Game Point System

    The idea is basically, you get points for playing games, you get 1 point for every game you participate in, and an increased amount of points for every victory of you or your team.

    The Points could be redeemed through a survival command that will grant the winners certain rewards, similar to VIP grant, just with a price of points.

    The rewards are up for debate, but possibly special heads, ores, enchantment books, and VIP for a day(maybe), maybe even a sethome for like, the max points.

    Should this be implemented, if possible, to be compatible with PVP games. you'd get points for kills, caps, and wins.
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  3. #2
    Minecraft VIP EndurableJono's Avatar
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    This sounds like a pretty good idea, but seems a little too easy to get points and such. Could be made so that you lose points for deaths and losses in games?

  4. #3
    Minecraft Moderator GunSlinger4750's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EndurableJono View Post
    This sounds like a pretty good idea, but seems a little too easy to get points and such. Could be made so that you lose points for deaths and losses in games?
    Some people die more than they kill, so that would be somewhat unfair to them. Perhaps just make the prices of rewards kind of high, that way it's not too easy, and fair on everyone.

  5. #4
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EndurableJono View Post
    This sounds like a pretty good idea, but seems a little too easy to get points and such. Could be made so that you lose points for deaths and losses in games?
    Not everyone is good, so points reduction is a no, but maybe the points that are gained are based on KD score in the game, like if I would kill 5 times and be killed 6, I won't get bonus points for kills, but then again, it's better to rewards kills, cause the amount of points you'd need is high.
    We're talking about 50 points for iron. so VIP for a day will be like, 250,000 points, will take months.
    The point is, points are easy to get, but you need shit ton of them. perhaps winning the lottery should also add a point.

    The points also be gained from Events, like, "Participants in the _____ building contest will get 100 GP(Game Points)".

    It would be too hard if you actually loose points, cause of a certain some-admin who kills too much in pvp. and oitc will be loss for all but the winner.
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  6. #5
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    Howmany things can I add here?
    Top kek
    Quite a few actually.
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    The idea we have/had is to reward money when they have won a game (with both Slap/StouxGames and ArenaPVP).

  7. #6
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoux2 View Post
    The idea we have/had is to reward money when they have won a game (with both Slap/StouxGames and ArenaPVP).
    Well, we used to have rewards at spleef, but that didn't end up well, if money is to be won directly from the games, the server will be a minigame server.
    It'll not help the economy, it'll cause an inflation, but if we get points, for rewards that are not available by survival means, like special heads, it could add new items into the economy.
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  8. #7
    Minecraft Admin honkin_pigs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirosu View Post
    Well, we used to have rewards at spleef, but that didn't end up well, if money is to be won directly from the games, the server will be a minigame server.
    It'll not help the economy, it'll cause an inflation, but if we get points, for rewards that are not available by survival means, like special heads, it could add new items into the economy.

    At the point the economy is currently in are you suggesting anything will harm it more? We're talking about an economy were 75% of the servers money is held by innactive/banned players. "The server will be a minigame server" No, it wont. it'll remain as what it currently is, which is a hybrid server, we implement more than one method of playing minecraft. Adding rewards to a minigame does not change the entire type of server we are, no idea where you got that idea from. You also have no idea what the cash rewards will be, they will most likely be minimal and not a good method of making money, however it'll pay off to be friendly and play games with other people, and over time the money gained will obviously accumulate. This system is way better than expecting people to build 32 stacks of build height pumpkin auto farms and afking for money.

    I like the suggestion your offering; however it's way to much work to be done when we already have planned updates regarding the prizes of minigames. However i also entirely disagree with your view on how our idea will effect the economy, especially as you have very little offer as to the amounts of money rewarded, your making assumptions with no prior knowledge on the matter.
    Honkin_pigs - Slap Gaming Minecraft Admin

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  10. #8
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Thank you honk for clarifying.
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  11. #9
    Minecraft VIP EndurableJono's Avatar
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    I'm honestly not bothered about having money for the PvP Games, I enjoy playing them and the money would just come at a bonus.

  12. #10
    Minecraft Admin honkin_pigs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EndurableJono View Post
    I'm honestly not bothered about having money for the PvP Games, I enjoy playing them and the money would just come at a bonus.
    Thats the point, it's rewards for playing, not reasons to play.
    Honkin_pigs - Slap Gaming Minecraft Admin

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