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  1. #1
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Slap New Year's parade!

    The idea is this, making a special zone as a parade for slap, a street where there are those parade carts that have slap members/ staff statues on top of them.
    The parade will be a small map as a street of a downtown like city (inaccessible buildings, just props) with the floats/ statues. Also including a few shop booths that offer spawn goods in reduced prices for the new year!

    The statues can be copied from Slime's and mine design, if needed, we can design the parade carts for each staff member to look fitting!

    If there's time to do this: add tp pads in the Slap New Year's Parade map to the events of 2014, epic builds, projects and noticable things, for example the halloween contest(if there was one, I wasn't on that time).

    Add a bulleting board where members could request to put up a new year's greeting, new years wishes or blessings, for anyone to see.

    Can also put some villager booths there, villagers as people cheering for the parade/selling goods!

    If the street can be made with the prop buildings, I can do the carts with slime and the statues, however the street must be really wide.

    The villagers, the booths will be shut down(massacred by jack in a special ceremony of goldenhoe-ing) but the map will stay open with the greetings, blessings and wishes for the rest of the year or forever.

    The Parade should be put in survival, with some way to look from a higher angle as well, like a ladder for a balcony, or tp pads/lift signs to get you up to see the statues from a different angle! cause they be epic


    Putting additional member cart plots as some kind of a CONTEST! parade ride/cart building, members could make their own cart with their own idea, it could be a statue, a small pixel art or something special (Idk, a cool redstone thingy, maybe a music box that would be great). That could make up for you know what...
    Last edited by nirosu; 18-12-2014 at 07:05 PM.
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  3. #2
    Minecraft VIP kekie6's Avatar
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    I think that is a very good idea! but im afraid in the situation right now me and cheos cant help you with this. I really hope to see this happening in slapgaming tho!
    also maybe you could let the peeps of slapgaming make plots around it? as a contest?


  4. #3
    Minecraft VIP nirosu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kekie6 View Post
    I think that is a very good idea! but im afraid in the situation right now me and cheos cant help you with this. I really hope to see this happening in slapgaming tho!
    also maybe you could let the peeps of slapgaming make plots around it? as a contest?

    more or less i said it... i'll edit to make it more clear
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  5. #4
    Minecraft Admin
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    Howmany things can I add here?
    Top kek
    Quite a few actually.
    Stoux's Avatar
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    Awh shit. Think it's too late for it now, isn't it?

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