Mods will not respond in regular chat, to speak with a mod you must use /modreq and they will respond. Plus if you're spamming lava it spams up the mods chats so they can't see what everybody is saying because they're constantly being spammed by No-Cheat messages disabling them to be doing their job and then continuing to do things against the rules isn't going to help what happens to you, then stating that mods aren't doing their job and they aren't mature and sensible, the first time you joined you had some mod or hack on. You've only been on the server for a few days and so you aren't like a older member of the server who knows how the mods act, in this case Green did do the right thing because you kept on spamming the buckets and Greens' chat disabling him from doing his job which is watching over all the players and what they do. I have known Green for a few months and he knows what he's doing. He did the right thing for temp banning you and then jailing you because you were disabling him from doing his job.

This is my opinion -TheKrafter1923