Hey, I have some suggestions to enhance the tp system efficiency and convinience.

I first suggest the ability to use a command that will cancel the current tp request a VIP/staff has sent, just like tpdeny, but one which the player who sent the request can deny, that is due to the fact many people just start writing a name, send a tp request and the auto complete tps the wrong person, so a /tpcancel would be usefull in that case or in case the person took too much time and you are no longer in the place you wanted to tp / you don't want to tp to him anymore.

Another thing is to have the /tpa commands compatible with /afk, in a way that when you /tpa or /tpahere an afk person, the afk message will be shown in case he's afk.

Another thing is to prevent /te to afk players, similar to the suggestion above.

Also making a parameter to the /tpa commands, as /tpa xempletp 50 , the number presents the time of the tp request beeing avaible, default is 90 sec, max is 120, min is 20.

also, it might be nice if there would be a special /te message, avaible to the sight of the person that was te'd to, with the expection that the message won't appear if a mod+ will /te to a person. for example "xemplevip has teleported to you"

It seems like more than 1 suggestion, but since they are regarding to same command/subject, i chose to submit them in same suggestion.