Basiclly we were having a conversation about some chests and jimred9 had locked them limer called him in and idiot and then MrSliverMan chipped in with 'retard'
Basiclly we were having a conversation about some chests and jimred9 had locked them limer called him in and idiot and then MrSliverMan chipped in with 'retard'
Last edited by horsegal00; 30-06-2013 at 12:21 PM. Reason: wrong name
I was walking around on the new world in a city and i found a portal on a plot
Cords: x -5580 y 68 z -7162 in new survival
Last edited by leon_vakt; 03-07-2013 at 06:55 AM. Reason: Added Cordinates
You guys might wanna check this out.
I don't have any screen shot's
but some people were calling me kiddo I told them to stop
they didn't so they were insulting me even the staff were doing it D: